Accountability ReportsBMQ

Accountability Report of Bahagiakan Mereka dengan Qurbanmu 2016

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah, we convey our gratitude to our Allah SWT, that the activity, Bahagiakan Mereka dengan Qurbanmu (BMQ) of 2016 has been held successfully on Monday, September 12, 2016. The central location of this event is at Dusun Lamaran, Pringkasap Village, District of Pabuaran, Regency of Subang, West Java.

At this year’s BMQ, we managed to distribute 101 goats and 3 cows to 1.170 families (KK) live in Dusun Lamaran and Dusun Munjul at District of Pabuaran, Dusun Talangsari at District of Sukamandi and Ciasem Girang Village at District of Sukamandi.

Based on the survey we held some times ago, we chose Dusun Lamaran and Munjul as the location of this year’s BMQ because the socio-economic condition of their residents are far from prosperous. In general, residents in both villages are considered as less fortunate families which their main livelihood is farming or farm laborer. Such condition causes the implementation of the Sacrifice Feast is very rare to be held. According to the information we received from the local leaders, the maximum number of goats that each village can have is 2-3 goats.

In the beginning, we only targeted 2 locations, Dusun Lamaran  with 620 families (Distribution Point 1) and Dusun Munjul with 250 KK (Distribution Point 2). But, considering the interest from Friends of Lebah approaching the implementation increasingly high, it makes the number of animals to be sacrificed exceeds the target, which makes the committee must find another location to distribute the meat.

On Sunday, September 11 2016 at 07.00 WIB, an advance team consists of Taufik, Khairil, Wishnu and Heru departed early to Dusun Lamaran to coordinate with the local committee to prepare the execution of BMQ, as well as to find the third distribution point. With the local committee, this advance team went to the surrounding area to list the number of people. Praise the Lord, we found our 3rd Distribution Point that consists of Dusun Talangsari, Ciasem Girang Village, District of Ciasem Sukamandi with 300 families (Distribution Point 3).

The main team of BMQ that consists of 29 volunteers departed from Jakarta on Sunday at 9:30 PM and arrived at the location on Monday at 2:30 AM. After conducting an Eid-Al-Mubarok’s prayer on the location, the team had a short briefing to execute the activity. This briefing was led by the head of the committee, which then followed by giving directions to the local committess. Not far from the location, we had a Children Corner where we invited childred to play along with us.

Alhamdulillah, the execution went well and smooth. We then divided it to 3 distribution points:
a.    Distribution Point 1, Dusun Lamaran for 35 goats and 2 cows,
b.   Distribution Point 2, Dusun Munjul for 20 goats and 1 cow, and
c.   Distribution Point 3, Dusun Talangsari for 46 goats.

We distributed all meats at 1:00 PM. In order to avoid the Q-ing, we made an in-and-out line for residents in piciking up their meat. The distribution finished at 3.30 PM.

We greatly appreciate and thankful to those who give their trust to us to distribute their animal sacrifice. We hope, that our Lord accepts our sacrifice and may it be a blessing to all of us. And we hope, that the trust given to us can be maintained and kept accordingly, not only in this activity, but to all other activities. We also thank our volunteers who have given their time for the smoothness of this activity.

Please click the link below to see:

1. Financial report, click here
2. Data of donors, click here
3. Photo of activity, click here
4. Photo of animals, click here

We hope that our intention to make other people happy can be manifested and what we have done here are blessed by the good lord, Allah SWT. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin…

Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh.

Salam Lebah, Bzzzzz…
Bersama Berbagi Peduli

Wishnu Ikhsan
Head of Committee





Testimonials from the recipients


