
Activity Program Plan 2016

Assalamu’alaikum warrahamtullahi wabarrakatuh, best wishes to all of us.

On January 23, 2016, we held an internal meeting to discuss the activity program plan 2016. We reached an agreement that we will hold 8 activities with following details:

Cerdas Tanpa Batas

Person in Charge : Ijul Baso
Date : January 9, 2016
Location : Kp. Rancecet, Kec. Cimanggu, Pandeglang – Banten
Notes : The activity has been held and the accountability report has been published

Sehat Milik Semua

Person in Charge : Santi Chaniago
Date : March 19, 2016
Location : To be informed
Notes : A free general medical examinations. However, it can involve dental care, depending on the location and the needs

Bazar Barang Bekas ber-Qualitas (BBQ) ke-14

Person in Charge : Ghea Shinantya
Date : April 24, 2016
Location : To be informed
Notes : An activity to raise operational fund by organizing a secondhand bazaar. If you want to donate your secondhand clothes, shoes and bags, please do contact us


Person in Charge : Riska Hasan
Date : June 25 – 26, 2016
Location : To be informed
Notes : A creative 2-days pesantren for school age children with various backgrounds, i.e. street children, orphan, children from less fortunate family

Gali Kreativitasmu

Person in Charge : Husnul Khotimah
Date : August 16, 2016
Location : To be informed
Notes : Edutainment for street children, orphan, children from less fortunate family

Bahagiakan Mereka dengan Qurbanmu (BMQ)

Person in Charge : Wishnu Ikhsan
Date : September 26, 2015
Location : To be informed
Notes : Sacrificing animals in conjunction with the celebration of Eid al-Adha

Bazar Barang Bekas ber-Qualitas (BBQ) ke-15

Person in Charge : Yuriko Sonambela
Date : October 16, 2016
Location : To be informed
Notes : An activity to raise operational fund by organizing a secondhand bazaar. If you want to donate your secondhand clothes, shoes and bags, please do contact us

Insha Allah, we will also hold the renovation program of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Nurkholis at Kampung Cikiamis, district of Talegong, Garut Regency, West Java with Aditantra Adiyoso as the person in charge, and if everything goes as plan, we will officially launch it on October 29, 2016.

With your prayer and contribution, we hope that those activities will go run smoothly as our plan.

Thank you.

Salam Lebah, Bzzzzz…
Bersama Berbagi Peduli

